This blog will be an interactive one. Every Friday, the children will be sharing with me what they think I should be typing up on the blog to share with you. If the font is in blue, you will know that it is me doing the talking. If the font is in green then this will indicate the the children are talking and telling me what to type.
This blog is also to help you to ask questions of your child about his/her learning while at school as I know a few will answer "nothing" to your question of "What did you do today at school?"
This was a short week but we've already begun to establish our community and the rules that are in place so that everyone can do their best learning. We've talked about why they are here and who is responsible for their choices and behavior. They are loving the ticket system that I have in place and I will share more about this next Thursday at Curriculum Night. We have read many, many books about friendship and have done activities to help us to get to know each other better. We have also compared ourselves to how we were in kindergarten. I could see all of them sit a little taller in their seats as we talked about how grown up they were compared to our K friends. We received a "4" in P.E. yesterday which means our behavior was AWESOME!!!
This is our related arts schedule for next week:
Monday - D Day - Music
Tuesday - A Day - Library
Wednesday - B Day - P.E. (remember to wear tennis shoes!)
Thursday - C Day - Art
Friday - D Day - Music
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, September 3rd - Curriculum Night at SCE
I also completed the first homework assignment of taking a picture of myself reading in a special place. Here I am reading a book about a mischievous hen to my own hens:) I have already received several pictures of your children reading in a place that is comfortable to them. I would love to receive a picture of every child reading in a special place.
This little guy is taking a first grade survey about his feelings and thoughts on the first day of school.
She is also hard at work filling out her survey.
We took a serious picture of us on the first day of first grade and then...
we had to take a silly one, of course!
We read a story entitled The Day the Crayons Quit and we giggled all the way through the book! Each child then selected his/her favorite color and then got into small communities based upon that color. They were then asked to gather ANYTHING in the room that matched their chosen color and then CREATE something with all of their gathered materials. I bet you can guess the favorite color of each group:)
After we read a book entitled First Grade Stinks we completed a brace map about what first graders can do. I especially love that they came up with the thought that first graders are creators!