Hopefully this is the last blast of winter we will get until Spring truly arrives! I can't believe how much we've covered this week even though it has only been a four-day week. No school tomorrow for students but feel free to email me as I will be here all by my lonesome without my precious firsties!
Read Across America begins on Monday! Your child will be bringing home all of the information and we hope to win the pancake challenge to earn some extra gym time!!:))
Ask your child about the following highlights to our week.
Questions to ask:
What science project did Mrs. McNeal do in 5th grade?
Can you name three things that are solids? Liquids? As a bonus, can you name a gas?
What was your strategy in trying to make the longest chain?
What project are you working on on Flexible Fridays?
What was your favorite read aloud from this week? Why? (Hints: Chester, Scaredy Squirrel, Augustine, Willy Wonka, Measuring Penny, Bug in a Vacuum)
Specials Schedule for Next Week:
Monday - Library (remember book-in-bag! -- especially this week because of the pancake contest!!!)
Tuesday - P.E. (remember tennis shoes)
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Music
Friday - Library again:)
Keep those boxes, toilet paper/papertowel rolls, etc. coming! Many of the students are working on dioramas to showcase their learning on Flexible Fridays! Thank you for the donations thus far!
Message about Family Game Night!
Family Game Night is next Friday, March 4 from 6:30 – 9:00pm with FREE Bingo starting at 7:15pm. Families have the opportunity to pre-order pizza, subs and salad from LaRosa’s to enjoy before Bingo (access order form here: Food Order Form). Deadline for food order and payment has been extended to Tuesday, March 1. Yes, we need you!! There's a variety of short shifts still available, and you'll still have plenty of together-time to eat and play Bingo with your family. To help at the event (click here)
We were making a chain and trying to make the longest one. One was 392 cubes long.
Their strategy was to make it skinny so that they would have more paper so they could make their chain long and skinny.
We were measuring how long our chains were. These boys are using popsicle sticks to measure the chain.
These two boys were measuring their chain. Their chain was 262 cubes long!
They worked their hardest to make the longest chain possible and one of the teams was really close. We were comparing the chains.
He built a shield and a pick-ax to play with indoor recess.
If you would like to donate food you can donate some food for people who are hungry:)
This is a paper of what to wear next week!