Here is a snapshot of our learning this week:
We are learning many songs for our upcoming program. I can assure you that you are NOT going to want to miss this program of songs at the end of the year (see date below). In word study, we learned about plurals and how adding /s/ and /e-s/ to the ends of nouns changes the meaning to more than one. We also learned about silly plurals. Ask your child about these. In writer's workshop, we used our facts from our sticky note research to write them in report form. Next week, we will be learning about another type of informational writing called How-To writing. Once we've experimented with this type of writing, each child will either choose to write their informational text as a report with sticky notes or as a How-To. In social studies, we have continued our study of economics by looking at goods, services, producers and consumers. Next week, we will be applying our knowledge of economics by having a Market Day. The children have already established teams and we've talked about possible goods and services each team could create or provide. Next week they will be going into "production" and then we will have a market as they purchase each other's goods and services. No CREDIT CARDS accepted:) In Reader's Workshop, we have been exploring nonfiction conventions and how they help the reader. We've already found examples of title pages, tables of contents and key words. Having these tools in our "reading arsenal" will help us when it comes to researching a topic of choice in the upcoming weeks. In Math, we have been working on our graphing skills.
I have fantastic news about hatching chicks! We have someone willing to take our chicks and we even have a back-up person just in case we need them! Thank you so much for putting out feelers for this upcoming project as it is one that they will never forget. I've hatched chicks for many years but it's always a miracle and a true test of faith each time to see life spring forth from those little eggs!
Here is our specials schedule for next week:
Monday - Art Tuesday - Music Wednesday - Library Thursday - P.E. Friday - Art
Upcoming Important Dates:
April 24th - Springtacular at SCE
April 27th - Scholastic Book Orders are due if ordering
April 30th - Art Show at SCE 6:00-7:30
May 7th - Literacy Night at SCE
May 15th - SuperGames
May 25th - Memorial Day - No School
May 26th - Expected hatch day for our chicks!!!!!!
May 28th - Our Class Musical - Begins at 2:40 - You won't want to miss this!
June 2nd - Last day of school
On Tuesday, Japanese moms came to do a show for us. One student said that he didn't know how they put the pictures on so fast. We think it took practice.
She told us about these statues but we can't remember the names of them. They taught us how to count one to nine in Japanese and they told us a glow-in-the-dark story.
This story is about Grandma and Grandpa selling bamboo hats to get money to eat and feast for a new year but he didn't sell the hats for money. He put them on the Jeso statues. He had no food for the feast but that night Jeso statues delivered a box of food and a kimono for them. The hats were for New Year.
These girls are playing a game called Soldiers and General and they are saluting the general and the general is supposed to add the numbers of the cards added up together and they then have to guess what their number is. They can't peek at their number. If they guess their number first they get both cards. Whoever has the most at the end of the game wins the game. They are not just playing they are learning math too.
If they get a face card, it equals 11 and that is what you were sending in all of the cards for.
We started Market Day and we are making a list of things we can do or make in the classroom to sell.
Working together as a team to determine if they were have a product or a service:)
We are so excited about this upcoming study!!!
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