Friday, May 22, 2015

Buckaroo News for May 18th-may 22nd

This is the time of year when countdowns begin towards summer break.  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being able to spend hours in my garden and reading alongside my pond!  However, it makes me tear up thinking about giving up my little ones this year!  This has truly been one of those stellar years in a teacher's career and I've enjoyed all of these precious gifts so much!  It's hard to let them go but I know that they are ready and it's time.  I just may need some extra tissues on June 2nd!

I'm very wordy (as many professors have told me:) so I will try to keep this shorter and to the point.  As you know, our Farm Program is quickly approaching and I hope that all of you can make it!  It is next Thursday at 2:45 p.m. in the commons.  After the program you will be invited back to our room for our Farm Study Showcase.  Hopefully we will also have some adorable peepers for you to see too.  I will be dressing up in my western duds and hope that your child will too.  Just makes it that much more authentic:)

Camp Buckaroo will look a bit differently this year.  Instead of setting up tents because of the short amount of time left in the year, I'm asking that each child bring in a sleeping bag and a flashlight.  There is a paper coming home today explaining this in a bit more detail.  Please let me know if you have any questions at all!

If you weren't able to come to the volunteer luncheon but you've volunteered in our room, I can't express in words how grateful I have been to have you! 

Upcoming important dates:

May 25th - Memorial Day - No School
May 26th - Expected hatch day for our chicks!!!!!!
May 28th - Our Class Musical - Begins at 2:40 - You won't want to miss this!
June 2nd - Last day of school and our End-of-Year celebration

Since we were learning about chickens, S. and Mrs. McNeal read the book Interrupting Chicken and Mrs. McNeal and S. were doing a play at the same time.  S.'s mom made the puppets.
We did a bubble gum fraction activity and we learned how to blow bubbles.  S. is blowing a bubble and Mrs. McNeal got it just in time but S.'s wasn't in the right time.  Everyone tried to blow a bubble and we would raise our hand if we were able to blow a bubble.  We would count how many blew a bubble and how many didn't blow a bubble and do the fractions for each.
This is T. on YouTube which he is sitting right with Mrs. McNeal because YouTube is not a site for kids because it will take you to sites that have inappropriate stuff.  But he searched chicks and he found videos of chicks hatching.  
Y. and A. are sorting and counting the colors and did a fraction.  We were doing Skittle Fractions and we brought home all of the Skittles.  The purple ones we could eat as soon as we got them.
Chickens have a gizzard where rocks go in and the rocks rub against the food and mixes into little pieces because chickens do not have any teeth.  Chicks have something called an egg tooth to crack out of their eggs.  The first hole is called a pip.  
The eggs have to stay 100 degrees or they will get cold.  We were painting pictures of barns and this is S.'s.   The embryos are turning their heads towards the air cell inside the egg.   Chicken poop is used in gardens and you can buy it at the store.  It's called Chickedy Doo Doo:).  
Chickens have combs to help keep their temperature warm or cold.  If there comb is small then they are good in cold weather.  If their combs are big then they are good in hot weather.  This the same for the waddle.  

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