Friday, September 25, 2015

Buckaroo news for September 21st to September 25th

Greetings from Camp Buckaroo where great thinking happens everyday, all day!  I am delighted to report that I have finished reading with each and every child and I know what they each need in order to bloom or continue to bloom and grow as readers.  I will be sharing what I've learned about your child on Progress Book as well as at conferences in October.  I can't wait to meet with each of you.  If haven't scheduled a conference time with me as of yet, please let me know so I can share the times that are still available.

  Here are the highlights of our learning this week:

In Word Study, we sorted words with /ad/ and /an/ patterns.  We also practiced these patterns using rainbow words and by writing them three times each.  Finally, we learned a new game called Sight Word Races.
In Writer's Workshop, we have read several fantastic books to help us understand where and how writers get their ideas for stories.  Every Friday by Dan Yaccarino, Ike's Incredible Ink by Brianna Farley and Ralph Tells a Story by Abby Hanlon are great ones to check out of the library to reread with your child.
In Science, we have been learning how to read nonfiction books about the moon and to find the answers to our many questions.  Our Wall of Thinking is full of our questions and what we've learned about the moon thus far.  Ask your child to share some facts with you.  
In Math Workshop, we are continuing to work on representing and solving problems involving addition within 20.  This has been challenging for many because it doesn't necessarily mean adding two known numbers to get an answer.  Many times the problems have included unknowns or "missing parts" such as 5 plus ___ equals 8.  
In Reader's Workshop, we have begun the process of self-selecting books based upon need and interest to place in our book baskets.  Next week, your child will be bringing many of these books home along with October's reading log to record the minutes your child reads to you and/or you read to your child. The children are VERY excited about this!

Specials Schedule for Next Week:
Monday - Art
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - Library
Thursday - P.E.  (remember tennis shoes)
Friday - Art  
We are doing math problems on the computer.  The math test was really hard but we persevered.  There were some "times."  If you didn't know the answer you could just make a good guess.  We tried our best on the test.  There were some questions that were hard but we got through.  
He is making a book about himself during Writer's Workshop.  We really like it and it is really fun for all of us!  We get to write about our own thing.  It is our OWN time!  We make books.  Writer's Workshop is a time to be creative.  
We were researching about the moon.  She made moon craters with glue.  When the glue dries we get to paint over them.  We all made our own moons.

They are reading a poem together.  They are singing songs in their poetry and songbooks.  

You have to get the right books otherwise you won't read challenging books.  Everyone needs their own good fit!!
We are studying about the moon.  It's really fun to study about the moon.  This is a wall of our facts.  Without the moon, the waves wouldn't move.  It takes 27 days for the moon to move around earth.  The sun shines on the moon.  The moon is far from the earth.  It takes three days to get to the moon.  The moon has creators.  Neil Armstrong was the first to get on the moon.  The moon reflects light on the earth.  The moon changes.  You can fit 50 moons in the earth.  We drew a lot of moon facts.

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