Monday, November 23, 2015

News from the Mayflower for November 23-24

Happy Thanksgiving from the Wampanoag and the Pilgrims of Room 118!  We sure hope that you can all make it to our Thanksgiving Showcase tomorrow afternoon at 2:45.  The kiddos have worked hard to learn about America's history through the eyes of the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag.  

Here is a sneak-peek at what you will be experiencing tomorrow (sans the buffalo, of course:).  Even though the buffalo were not part of the Wampanoag's lives, I got the unique experience of getting up close to these majestic beasts while on my vacation to Tennessee last week.  I wanted the children to get to see them as well.

Related Arts schedule for the week we return:

Tomorrow - Library - remember book-in-a-bag
Monday, November 30th - P.E.  remember tennis shoes
Tuesday, December 1st - Art
Wednesday, December 2nd - Music
Thursday, December 3rd - Library - remember book-in-a-bag
Friday, December 4th - P.E. - remember tennis shoes

**Don't forget that Spell-a-Thon donations are due by December 1st!!
**November reading logs need to be totaled and sent back the week of December 1st.
**Please return progress report envelopes, signed, as soon as you can.

Friday, November 6, 2015

News from the Mayflower for November 2nd-6th

Hello from the passengers of the Mayflower!  We have had a very busy week looking at the lives of these people and their pilgrimage to the New World.  We have also been studying the people who were already  here when they arrived, namely the Wampanoag Native Americans.  We would love to showcase our learning by inviting you in on Tuesday, November 24th at 2:45 for a small program.

Questions to ask your child:
What did you like best about 50's day?
Which time period do you think fits you best?  The 50's?  The 1800's when schools had only one room?  The 1600's when the Pilgrims lived?  Why?
What is your Pilgrim name?
What is your Wampanoag name?

Upcoming Events:
Wednesday, November 11th - Dads and Donuts
Thursday, November 12th - Multicultural Day
Friday, November 13th - NO SCHOOL for students
Tuesday, November 24th @ 2:45 - Come to our room for our Thanksgiving Showcase:)

Related Arts Schedule:
Monday - D Day - Music
Tuesday - A Day - Library ( don't forget book-in-a-bag books)
Wednesday - B Day - P.E.  (don't forget tennis shoes)
Thursday - No related arts due to Multicultural Day
Friday - No School
Monday, November 16th will be C Day - Art

Side note:  My sister and I travel to Tennessee every November for some great southern-style food, shopping and laughter to last us the rest of the year.  I will be gone November 18th, 19th and 20th so if you need anything please let the office know.  I will be checking my email a time or two on the trip if you happen to need anything:)
We are pretending that the campsite is the Mayflower and we are pretending we are Pilgrims.  They wanted to leave from England so they could be free to teach their children to pray the way they wanted.  King James I was the king of England and he told them they had to pray the way he did.

Mrs. McNeal made us quills with pencils and fake feathers.  They had to dip them in ink so they could work.  

Someone wrote down the real names of the people who traveled on the Mayflower.  We got their names and we are pretending to be those people.

The boys in this picture are Greasers and one of the girls is a Pink Lady.  The other one is wearing a poodle skirt.

We all got our picture taken on 50's day!  

In the 50's, they had people who delivered their milk and people who delivered their bread.  Life in the 50's is very different than life now.  They had to use a switchboard and call a lady when they wanted to make a call to someone else.

In the 50's, the ladies wouldn't leave until their hair was done (I love this one:)))

We are having a sock hop in our classroom.  We had lots of fun songs.  Some of them were Rockin' Robin and Lollipop.  

They were also dancing at the sock hop.  These two boys had some moves!!!!  They wore me out just watching them:)  

They are dancing together because there were no boys to dance with (smile:)

We won first, second and third place in the October reading log minutes!

He is working on his project during Imagination Station.  He is studying body parts.